Cookie Vs Session Vs Token Vs Claims Authentications

  1. Cookie-Based Authentication
    • Web-client (eg: web-browser) stores cookie sent by the web-server after successful authentication.
    • Cookie contains info about the user, client, authN timestamp and other useful data with unique-id to determine the cookie.
    • Typically, cookie is encrypted by the web-server with domain attribute set (eg: and send it across to the web-client.
    • Whenever the web-client wants to access the domain resource (eg:, it will send all cookie based on its domain (eg: to the web-server, which validates/ verifies and grant/ deny access based on state and timestamp of the cookie.
  2. Session-Based Authentication
    • Along with the web-client cookie, if a web-server stores the user authN data in their back-end, then it will be called Session-based authentication.
    • This is very useful in the event of any breach that the web-client gained access to the system where it shouldn’t get access, then from the back-end, the web-client’s session can be revoked by the admin.
  3. Token-Based Authentication (client + user based)
    • Generally this is used in non web-client scenarios, where there is no way to store cookie in the client side.
    • Hence, the web-server sends the signed token (contains info about user, client, authN timestamp and other useful data with unique-id) to the client after successful authentication.
    • Whenever, a client wants to access a resource, it need to send this token and web-server validates/ verifies the token before it allow to access the resource.
  4. Claims-Based Authentication (user attribute based)
    • This is same as token-based authentication + authorization data into the token about the user attributes/ roles/ groups.
    • These data are pertain to authorization, which talks about what the user can do within the resource (eg:, mail.delete, admin).

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