Before going into the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), we have to look into what are Directory Services and X500 Model.

Directory Service

  • Directory Service is a concept that characterized as a hierarchical tree-based naming system that offers numerous distributed system advantages:
    • Unique names can be determined by concatenating hierarchical naming components starting at a root node (e.g., “com”).
    • Object-oriented schema and data model supports very fast search operations (uses Key-based querying).
    • Due named sub-tree partitions, the features like Distribution, Replication and Delegated or Autonomous Administration are supported.
    • Supports Authentication and Fine-Grained Access Control mechanisms.
  • Few examples of directories are DNS, NOS, Novell’s NDS, Microsoft’s Active Directory.
  • Directories are designed and optimized for more READ/ SEARCH operations, than WRITE/ UPDATE operations.
  • In real world example, a telephone directory is a directory system that contains a list of subscribers with an address and a phone number in a dictionary format, than in a tree-based fashion.
Telephone Directory

X500 Model

  • X.500 is a series of computer networking naming standards and models for Directory Service.
  • The primary concept of X.500 is that there is a single Directory Information Tree (DIT), a hierarchical organization of Entries and these can be called using:
    • Distinguished Name (DN) is a unique Distinguished Name. Much like a “path” to a filename in a file system.
      • For eg: cn=alice, ou=People, dc=example.com
    • Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) is a component of the distinguished name. Much like a “filename” in a file system.
      • For eg: cn=alice, ou=People is a RDN relative to the root RDN  dc=example.com
    • dit.png
      Directory Information Tree (DIT)
      • DNs are also called as naming contexts, because it describes the namespace where the entry lives.
  • X500 Model suggest the way how directory service can be designed in a DIT to have a database to fetch information for a given entry.
  • Directory Access Protocol (DAP) is one of the protocol defined in X.500 that says how to access the entries in the DIT on TCP/IP stack.


  • The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an open, vendor-neutral, industry standard Application Layer protocol interface for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over an Internet Protocol (IP) network.
  • The latest specification is Version 3, published as RFC 4511.
  • LDAP is based on:
    • A simpler subset of standards within X.500 model, hence sometimes LDAP is called as X.500-lite.
    • DAP to access X500 model directory, hence it is called as Lightweight DAP.


Naming Model

  • An Attribute defines as a piece of information that the directory entries contain.
  • Attribute is similar to DB column name.
  • The most widely used naming attributes are defined in the following table:
Attr. Abbreviations Explanations Examples
dc domainComponent An element of a DNS domain name dc=acme,dc=com
uid userid A person’s account name uid=jdoe
cn commonName Full name of a person, group, device, etc. cn=John Doe
l localityName Name of a geographic region l=Bay Area
st stateOrProvinceName State or Province st=CA
o organizationName Organization name o=Acme
ou organizationalUnitName Organization unit name ou=Sales
c countryName Two letter country code c=US

Schema Model

  • An LDAP schema is a set of rules that define what can be stored as entries in a LDAP directory.
  • We have similar concept in RDBMS, where DB schema contains information about database structure, tables, columns, data types and constraints.
  • The schema model consists of two types of elements:

1. Object Classes: 

  • Defines as a placeholder for attributes.
  • Similar to DB tables.
  • Object classes come in one of three kinds:
Abstract Structural Auxiliary
  • Defines an attribute or set of attributes that all object classes in an object class structure inherit.
  • Every object class structure must have an abstract object class as the top-level object class.
  • Defines an object entry type.
  • Every entry must contain at least one structural object class.
  • A structural object class inherits either from top or from another structural object class.
  • An auxiliary object class adds attributes to another object class.
  • Useful to define a set of attributes used by multiple object classes.
There are only two abstract classes:

  1. The top class is present in every entry, and it requires the objectClass attribute be present.
  2. The alias requires the aliasedObjectName attribute be present.
For example: Object classes such as organization, person, organizationalPerson or device. For example: Object class strongAuthenticationUser allows the attribute userCertificate;binary be present, but this class could be used in an entry with object class person, device or some other structural class.
Object Classes in a Class Diagram

2. Attribute Types:

  • Defines the data types of attribute values.
  • Similar to DB column’s data types.
  • Attribute Type Definition specifies:
Syntax Matching Rules
Defines the data format in which an attribute value is stored. A matching rule encapsulates a set of logic that may be used to perform some kind of matching operation against two LDAP values
For example: Directory String, Integer, and JPEG are examples of standard LDAP syntaxes. For example: Comparison, Sort and Order

Protocol Overview

  • A client starts an LDAP session by connecting to an LDAP server, called a Directory System Agent (DSA), by default on TCP and UDP port 389, or on port 636 for LDAPS.
  • The client may request the following LDAP operations:
Operations Explanations
StartTLS Use the LDAPv3-TLS connection
Bind Authenticate and specify LDAP protocol version
Search Search for and/or retrieve directory entries
Compare Test if a named entry contains a given attribute value
Add Add a new entry
Delete Delete an entry
Modify Modify an entry
Modify Distinguished Name (DN) Move or rename an entry
Abandon Abort a previous request
Extended Operation Generic operation used to define other operations
Unbind Close and exit the connection


  • LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) is a standard text-based representation for LDAP data.
  • LDIF conveys directory content as a set of records, one record for each entry.
  • It also represents update requests, such as Add, Modify, Delete, and Rename, as a set of records, one record for each update request.
  • This is an example of a simple directory entry with several attributes, represented as a record in LDIF:
dn: cn=John Doe,dc=example,dc=com
cn: John Doe
givenName: John
sn: Doe
telephoneNumber: +1 800 800 8888
telephoneNumber: +1 800 800 9999
mail: jdoe@example.com
manager: cn=Eliza Beth,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top

Other Useful Notes

  • In LDAP 3.0, there is a special root called rootDSE (where DSE stands for “DSA-specific entry”) is defined as the root of the DIT server.
    • The purpose of the rootDSE is to provide data about the directory server itself.
    • i.e., rootDSE is not part of any namespace, but it contains namingContexts, which provides a list of all DNs in the the DIT.
  • Directory servers publish internal schema as an entry in the directory.
    • It can be retrieved by LDAP clients performing a baseObject search on the a special entry that is defined by the directory server to publish schema information (e.g., cn=schema), with the attributes attributeTypes and objectClasses specified as part of the search criteria.
  • Each LDAP directory has some default schema, which developers can customize, or “extend,” by adding elements to it.


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